Monday, September 28, 2020

Week of 9/28/2020

 This week we will be working in collaboration with Dr. Haring in ELA for our next research project.

Our time together in the library will involve asking research questions and finding the information necessary to answer them.

If you are working from home this week, you will need to go to your ELA class in Google Classroom for all materials and expectations. You can also email Dr. Haring or myself for clarification if needed.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Week of 9/21/2020

 9/21 - Analysis ‘Reasons for Spanish Victories’ p. 65-66 research the effects that European germs, guns and diplomacy had in their dealings with the Indians.

Chapter 2, Section 2, Europe competes for North America p. 67 – 70


1. To trace the search for a water route through North America to Asia

2. To explain Spanish reaction to competition in North America and to 

identify effects of the defeat of the Spanish Armada

3. To describe the search for trade by the French and Dutch

Section Assessment, vocabulary p. 70.

9/22 - Chapter 2, Section 3, p71-75


1. To analyze the organization of government and society in

Spanish colonies

2. To describe economic activities of the Spanish colonies

3. To evaluate Spanish treatment of Native Americans

4. To trace the Colombian Exchange

Read section, section assessment, vocabulary p. 75

9/23 - Chapter 2, Section 4 p. 76-79


1. To analyze the origins of slavery in the Americas

2. To explain the development of the slave trade

3. To describe the middle passage

4. To pose and answer questions about the system of slavery

in the Americas

Read section, notes, section assessment.

9/24 - Finish Chapter 2, Chapter 2 review

9/25 - Chapter 2 Test

Friday, September 11, 2020

Week of 9/14/2020

 9/14 - Basics of Research - Social Studies/ELA research project. 

9/15 - Basics of Research - Social Studies/ELA research project.

9/16- Basics of Research - Social Studies/ELA research project.

9/17 - Overview of Chapter 1 – Analyze Iroquois League, Review of note taking strategies.

9/18 - Chapter 2, ‘Setting the Stage’ p. 59-60

Section 1, Spain Claims an Empire p. 61-66.


1. To explain the competition between Spain and Portugal to claim foreign lands

2. To describe Spain’s conquest of Mexico and the Incan empire

3. To explain the reasons for Spanish victories

4. To identify important Spanish explorers

Section assessment

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Week of 9/7/2020

 9/7 - Labor Day - No School

9/8 - Geographer’s Craft, map skills, data collection

9/9 - Introduce Geography Handbook, Landscape of America, 5 Themes of Geography.

9/10 - Physical Geography of North America. Geography Review

9/11 - Geographic Handbook Test

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A New School Year

 Welcome back to KMS!

As we start our 2020-2021 school year, I will be keeping all of you up to date with this blog and Google Classroom. My plan is to have everyone connected to Google Classroom this first week of school so that in the event that we have to go remote again, all of us will be prepared for a seamless transition.

8/31 - First day of a screwed up year. 1st day of School. Introductions, expectations, lockers, etc. 

COVID cleaning regimen.


9/1 - Syllabus - Google Classroom and Drive

9/2 - Google Meets

9/3 - Gmail assignment ‘Right the email’.

9/4 - Who really Discovered America video


 Welcome back to KMS if you are a returning student or welcome to KMS if you are a new student. It is an exciting time of year and it's ...