Friday, February 25, 2022

Week of 2/28/2022

 2/28 - Chapter 10 ‘Jefferson Takes Office’

Section 1 Objectives

1. To describe the election of 1800 and explain the role of political parties

2. To identify Jefferson’s achievements

3. To analyze Jefferson’s philosophy of government

4. To analyze the significance of Marbury v. Madison

3/1 - Chapter 10 ‘The Louisiana Purchase’

Section 2 Objectives

1. To explain why Jefferson offered to buy New Orleans from France

2. To analyze why Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States

3. To summarize the experiences of the Lewis and Clark expedition

4. To evaluate the results of Pike’s expedition

Notes and section assessment

3/2 - Finish Sections 1 & 2.

3/3 - Chapter 10 ‘The Problem with Foreign Powers’

Section 3 Objectives

1. To describe foreign policy challenges that Jefferson faced

2. To describe how Tecumseh attempted to unify Native American peoples

3. To explain why many Americans were War Hawks

Notes and section assessment

3/4 - Chapter 10 ‘The War of 1812’

Section 4 Objectives

1. To analyze the beginning of the War of 1812

2. To describe the battles of the first phase of the war

3. To describe the fighting in the second phase of the war

4. To evaluate the effects of the war and its legacy

Monday, February 14, 2022

Week of 2/14/2022

 2/14 - Chapter 9 Review

2/15 - Chapter 9 Test

2/16 - Geography Bee

2/17 - Chapter 10 ‘Jefferson Takes Office’

Section 1 Objectives

1. To describe the election of 1800 and explain the role of political parties

2. To identify Jefferson’s achievements

3. To analyze Jefferson’s philosophy of government

4. To analyze the significance of Marbury v. Madison

2/18 - Reflect and Revise Argumentative Essay

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Week of 1/31/2022

 1/31 - Article III – IIV, Bill of Rights – 


1. Students will be able to summarize the processes for adding states and for amending the Constitution.

2. Students will understand each amendment and its impact on their daily life.

2/1 - Finish Bill of Rights

2/2 - Constitution Review

2/3 - Constitution Test

2/4 - Chapter 9, Section 1 Washington’s Presidency

Section 1 Objectives

1. To explain how the nation’s court system was established

2. To describe the first cabinet

3. To analyze Hamilton’s financial plans

4. To identify interpretations of the Constitution and explain how they influenced attitudes toward the national bank

Economics in History ‘Personal Banking’

Why It Matters Now ‘The Importance of Leadership’


 Welcome back to KMS if you are a returning student or welcome to KMS if you are a new student. It is an exciting time of year and it's ...