Monday, September 27, 2021

Week of 9/27/2021

 9/27 -  Chapter 2, Section 3, p71-75


1. To analyze the organization of government and society in

Spanish colonies

2. To describe economic activities of the Spanish colonies

3. To evaluate Spanish treatment of Native Americans

4. To trace the Colombian Exchange

Read section, section assessment, vocabulary p. 75

9/28 - Section 3 Continued

9/29 - Chapter 2, Section 4 p. 76-79


1. To analyze the origins of slavery in the Americas

2. To explain the development of the slave trade

3. To describe the middle passage

4. To pose and answer questions about the system of slavery

in the Americas

Read section, notes, section assessment.

9/30 - Finish Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Review

10/1 - Chapter 2 Test

Monday, September 20, 2021

Week of 9/20/2021

 9/20 -  Basics of Research project

9/21 - Basics of Research project

9/22 - Basics of Research project

9/23 - Chapter 2, ‘Setting the Stage’ p. 59-60

Section 1, Spain Claims an Empire p. 61-66.


1. To explain the competition between Spain and Portugal to claim foreign lands

2. To describe Spain’s conquest of Mexico and the Incan empire

3. To explain the reasons for Spanish victories

4. To identify important Spanish explorers

Section assessment

9/24 -  Analysis ‘Reasons for Spanish Victories’ p. 65-66 research the effects that       European germs, guns and diplomacy had in their dealings with the Indians.

Chapter 2, Section 2, Europe competes for North America p. 67 – 70


1. To trace the search for a water route through North America to Asia

2. To explain Spanish reaction to competition in North America and to 

identify effects of the defeat of the Spanish Armada

3. To describe the search for trade by the French and Dutch

Section Assessment, vocabulary p. 70.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Week of 9/13/2021

 9/13 - Physical Geography of North America.

9/14 - Human Geography of North America

9/15 - Geographic handbook review

9/16 - Geography Test

9/18 - Overview of Chapter 1 – Analyze Iroquois League

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Week of 9/6/2021

 9/6 - Labor Day, no school

9/7 - Introduce Geography Handbook, Landscape of America, 5 themes of Geography, LAPS. Note taking skills

9/8 - Finish Symbols, Finish 5 themes of geography

9/9 - Map Basics

9/10 -  9/11/2001 lesson 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Welcome back

 Welcome back to school for the 2021-2022 school year. Below is the class syllabus for our US History class.

7th Social Studies

SYLLABUS 2021-2022

Mr. Thomas D. Kelner


  • office phone (406) 751-3817

  • Room 302

  • Prep periods = 2nd (personal) & 6th (Team meeting)

OVERVIEW – 7th Social Studies is a class designed to give students a broad understanding of the first inhabitants of the North American continent, subsequent European exploration, the founding of the United States of America, US history through the Civil War and Reconstruction to 1900. The historical time period we will cover over the course of the year is “Beginnings to 1900”.  There will also be an emphasis on the acquisition of skills necessary for a successful transition to the 8th grade and beyond.

CONTENT - This syllabus is intended to serve as a guide to the basic information we’ll be learning, with many additions and changes.  The following are some areas we will cover:


  • Geography

  • History of North America

  • History of Native Americans

  • European Exploration

  • European Colonization

  • Founding of  America

  • US History from Colonization through the Civil War and Reconstruction

  • Writing and Defending a Thesis


  • Writing

  • Research Skills

  • Information Organization

  • Decision Making Skills

  • Communication Skills

  • Motivation and Leadership

  • Map Skills

  • Portfolio Creation/Presentation

ASSIGNMENTS – We will be referencing and utilizing the McDougal Littel textbook Creating America, however we will also learn relevant, up-to-date issues, doing individual, group and team work.  The objectives will be reached through:

  • Current Events

  • Classroom discussion/lectures

  • Reading 

  • Written assignments

  • Group assignments

  • Projects and Portfolio creation

  • Quizzes/Tests

ORGANIZATION – Students will need an organized system where they can take and store notes, handouts, current events, etc.  Please design a system that suits your needs so that you can always access important information.  You will need a pen/pencil, planner and notebook or binder daily.

ASSESSMENT – Assessment of students will be based on two categories – Product and Process.  

  • Product points are assigned for homework, quizzes, tests, projects and anything else a student hands in for evaluation.

  • Process points or Work Ethic points are assigned for how students do something, such as following directions, handing in assignments on time, working well in groups, staying on task, helping others, participating in class, having a great attitude or being motivated to learn.  I reserve the right to assign/award these points at any time, but look for them to be given on a weekly basis.

  • Grading The academic year is broken down into three trimester grading
    periods. Trimester grades will be issued at the end of each
    trimester. It is highly recommended that students and parents check grades weekly via PowerSchool online grading app.

The following Standards Based Grade scale will apply to grades

4 – Advanced
3 – Proficient
2 – Nearing Proficient
1 – Novice
0 – No Evidence 


  • Social Studies is largely participatory, therefore excessive absences will affect your grade, as you will not be receiving your process points.  If you are school excused or pre-arranged for an absence, you need to talk to me prior to your absence to arrange make-up work.  It is your responsibility to come and talk to me if you are absent for ANY reason.  I will not track you down for missing or late assignments – you need to assume responsibility and seek me out.  


  • Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe

  • Absolutely NO cell phones. 

FOR PARENTS – Following is a contract for both the students and parent to review and discuss. Please contact me immediately if there are any questions.  This syllabus will be viewed as a teacher/student contract for the year.


 Welcome back to KMS if you are a returning student or welcome to KMS if you are a new student. It is an exciting time of year and it's ...