Friday, October 29, 2021

Week of 11/1/2021

 11/1 -   Chapter 4, section 3, ‘The Southern Colonies’ p. 119-123

Section 3 Objectives

1. To analyze the plantation economy and the use of slaves

2. To describe plantation life

3. To understand life under slavery

4. To describe resistance to slavery

11/2 -  Chapter 4, section 4, ‘The Backcountry’

Section 4 Objectives

1. To describe the geography of the Backcountry

2. To identify Backcountry settlers and to understand

Backcountry life

3. To identify other peoples in North America and explain

their conflict with the English colonists

*Discuss Geographical adaptation that each colony made – Human Environment Interaction

11/3 - Finish Chapter 4

11/4 - Early out, PTC

Chapter 4 Review

11/5 - Chapter 4 Test

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Week of 10/25/2021

 10/25 - Review Chapter 3

10/26 - Chapter 3 Test

10/27 - Chapter 4 Section 1 p.109-113

Section 1 Objectives

1. To explain how distinct regions developed during the

colonial period

2. To describe life in the New England farms and towns

3. To describe the three types of Atlantic trade

4. To identify the reasons for changes in Puritan society

10/28 - Discuss Navigation Acts – prelude to colonial revolt

10/29 - Chapter 4 Section 2, p. 114-118

Section 2 Objectives

1. To identify the resources of the Middle Colonies

2. To describe the prosperity of the cities

3. To evaluate the diversity of the region

4. To analyze the treatment of African Americans

Monday, October 18, 2021

Week of 10/18/2021

 10/18 - Finish ‘After the Mayflower’

10/19 - Chapter 3, Section 3 p. 

Section 3 Objectives

1. To compare the founding of the four Middle Colonies

2. To trace the growth of the Middle Colonies

3. To explain how economics influenced the development of

the Southern Colonies

4. To identify unique reasons for the founding of Georgia and


10/20 - Finish Chapter 3

10/21 - MEA Days, No School

10/22 - MEA Days, No School

Monday, October 11, 2021

Week of 10/11/2021

 10/11 - Chapter 3, Section 1 Early Colonies have Mixed Success p85-89


1. To describe early English attempts at colonizing

2. To explain English financing of a colony

3. To summarize how Jamestown was founded and grew

4. To analyze the conflicts of the Jamestown colonists both

with Native Americans and among the colonists themselves

10/12 - Chapter 3, Section 2  New England Colonies p. 92-97


1. To explain why the Pilgrims established Plymouth Colony

2. To explain why the Puritans set up the Massachusetts Bay


3. To identify the New England Way and to evaluate

challenges to Puritan leadership

4. To summarize the causes and effects of King Philip’s War

and the Salem witchcraft trials

10/13 - ‘After the Mayflower’ – King Philip’s War, Wampanoag war with  

English settlers in Massachusetts colony. Video notes.

10/14 - ‘After the Mayflower’ – King Philip’s War, Wampanoag war with  

English settlers in Massachusetts colony. Video notes.

10/15 - Finish video if necessary. Finish Section 2

Model CEAL with an emphasis on determining important information to 

Capture. Review section 2

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Week of 10/4/2021

 This week we will be conducting a research project with ELA. Please see your ELA google classroom for the assignment directions and materials.


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